11 October 2007

Can we stop the credits rolling?

As 'An Inconvenient Truth' begins to roll its credits, the following (please translate to suit a more British ear) appears on screen:

Are you ready to change the way you live?
The climate crisis can be solved - Here's how to start... Go to www.climatecrisis.net
- In fact, you can even reduce your carbon emissions to zero
- Buy energy efficient appliances and light bulbs
- Change your thermostat (and use clock thermostats) to reduce energy for heating and cooling
- Weatherise your house, increase insulation, get an energy audit
- Recycle
- If you can, buy a hybrid car
- When you can, walk or ride a bicycle
- Where you can, use light rail or mass transport
- Tell your parents not to ruin the world you live in
- If you are a parent, join with your children to save the world they live in
- Switch to renewable sources of energy
- Call you power company to see if they offer green energy
- If they don't, ask why not
- Vote for leaders who pledge to solve this crisis
- Write to congress
- If they don't listen, run for congress
- Plant trees, lots of trees
- Speak up in your community
- Call radio shows and write to newspapers
- Insist that America freeze CO2 emissions
- And join international efforts to stop global warming
- Reduce our dependence on foreign oil, help farmers grow alcohol fuels
- Raise fuel economy standards; require lower emissions from automobiles
- If you believe in prayer, pray that people will find the strength to change
- In the words of the old African proverb, 'when you pray, move your feet'
- Encourage everyone you know to see this movie
- Learn as much as you can about the climate crisis
- Then put your knowledge into action

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