15 October 2007

Oooh, controversial.


11 October 2007

i was just thinking...

If God is ultimate, then it is what's ultimate that is 'good'. This means, rather than saying "God is good" (which, whilst true, primarily allows us to project our notions of goodness onto God), is it not better to say "Good is whatever God is"? This allows God to take the lead, and exclusively 'own' and demonstrate goodness.

If what God has said through Jesus is "take up your cross, die to self, crucifixion, love your neighbour as yourself", then the entire emphases of this life shifts onto 'the other' to the complete detriment of self. This means that our greatest sins are the systems which encourage and facilitate our caring for and relying soley on ourselves, and our lapping-up there of, and our greatest achievements are places where we give of ourselves and depend on one another.
In the Nth degree, sacrifice and prefering of others = life and survival, the preferring of self = death.


Can we stop the credits rolling?

As 'An Inconvenient Truth' begins to roll its credits, the following (please translate to suit a more British ear) appears on screen:

Are you ready to change the way you live?
The climate crisis can be solved - Here's how to start... Go to www.climatecrisis.net
- In fact, you can even reduce your carbon emissions to zero
- Buy energy efficient appliances and light bulbs
- Change your thermostat (and use clock thermostats) to reduce energy for heating and cooling
- Weatherise your house, increase insulation, get an energy audit
- Recycle
- If you can, buy a hybrid car
- When you can, walk or ride a bicycle
- Where you can, use light rail or mass transport
- Tell your parents not to ruin the world you live in
- If you are a parent, join with your children to save the world they live in
- Switch to renewable sources of energy
- Call you power company to see if they offer green energy
- If they don't, ask why not
- Vote for leaders who pledge to solve this crisis
- Write to congress
- If they don't listen, run for congress
- Plant trees, lots of trees
- Speak up in your community
- Call radio shows and write to newspapers
- Insist that America freeze CO2 emissions
- And join international efforts to stop global warming
- Reduce our dependence on foreign oil, help farmers grow alcohol fuels
- Raise fuel economy standards; require lower emissions from automobiles
- If you believe in prayer, pray that people will find the strength to change
- In the words of the old African proverb, 'when you pray, move your feet'
- Encourage everyone you know to see this movie
- Learn as much as you can about the climate crisis
- Then put your knowledge into action