16 April 2007

who is blogging for?

How do?

Interesting that i start my first post with a greeting, suggests i intend this to be read by those who aren't me. It suggests that i think whatever it is will be recorded in/on this tiny patch of cyber-space is worth reading; that i have something to say of such interest and magnitude, that i need some sort of platform. Or is it just a place where i can record some of my less dark musings? If that's the case, why use such a public space; why not just keep a diary with a tiny 'my little pony' padlock, like the good old days? (i never had a diary with a tiny 'my little pony' padlock - maybe that's what i'm making up for here). Is this whole blogging thing a tiny part of our societies current obsession with celebrity? - read me, love me!

Actually I was struck by something yesterday as I was reflecting on catching parts of 'You're the one that I want' and 'Any dream will do'. One of the things the Bible says is that God has put eternity on people's hearts; essentially that there is part of us, as created by God, which is concerned with somehow finding a place for ourselves in eternity. It occurred to me that this whole celebrity obsession thing comes from a huge desire to make oneself known and remembered as widely as possible. If that isn't testament to having eternity on our hearts, what is? The other thing which struck me, which i haven't been sickened by in quite the same way with previous shows of this nature, is their ability to bring out, highlight and then exploit, for entertainment purposes, some of this countries psychologically damaged/ disturbed people. Brilliant! Let's put that on telly, cos we all need a little light entertainment on a Saturday night.

Anyway, read my blog cos i need to be affirmed and remembered. I'm reckoning on blogging about once a week on stuff of slightly more substance than that of what i had for tea or where i'm going at the weekend. I might blog again before this weeks out cos this is just a taster, a bit of a practise.


Sean Winter said...

Hi Andy

Good for you and welcome to the blogosphere. Just a couple of questions: do you mean 'pursuer' in your profile?, and can you give me the relevant verse to support the claim that the bible says that God has put eternity on people's hearts?

Yours tutorially, Sean

ps feel free to delete this comment. It is far too ungracious to remain as the first comment you receive on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Welcome. Looking forward to reading your stuff - but what's wrong with telling everyone when you've just had a big fry up or some such?

Silly Sean, Bible? Nah it's that lovely gospel of SOF "oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... heaven is in my heart"

Btw anyone born in North London must be reasonably OK. So long as they don't support Arsenal.

Sean Winter said...

And what the hell is wrong with supporting Arsenal?

andy amoss said...

cool, one post, three replies (which have already unfolded into bickering) and now sean is swearing "h#ll"! Not bad for a days blogging.

Catriona, hi. You made it here swiftly, to say the thing only launched about 1 hour before your comment. You are most welcome to continue reading my stuff, i'm looking forward to further comments from you (in a reciprocated display of tentatively extended friendship stylee). Incidentally, there is nothing at all wrong with discussing wonderful fry-ups one's partaken in, it's merely my intention to go that little bit further.

Sean, it's a bit of a rollercoaster with you isn't it!? First you're a Baptist minister and college tutor(Rev'd Dr, no less), then you're a hip-hop fan and now... now you have the audacity to reveal yourself to be a gooner, and defend your sort, on MY blog!!!!
Martin Jol's blue and white army.
Yes, i did mean 'pursuer', consider that altered. And, like all good Christians, I only use Bible references when they suit me.

Anonymous said...

Like the pink

Anonymous said...

Now I disagree, I don't see Blogs as a my little pony diary (even though yours is a pretty shade of pink). It's more of an agony aunt, with the blogger searching for answers to dilemmas they face in their everyday lives, and possibly looking reassurance of what they are doing is okay from the big bad cyber space world. But hey that's only me and I'm about as deep as a puddle.

simon said...

Great to welcome you - belatedly - to the blogosphere, Andy.

For Sean's information, the reference about eternity in men's hearts he was struggling to find is Ecclesiastes 3:11

andy amoss said...

Thank simon, nice to have you drop by.
I got the ecclesiastes ref, i was saving it until i see sean... when i can be really sarcastic!

Dick Davies said...

Hey love it!

A belated Hi for me as I've been out of internet reach for 2 weeks.

(As a net junkie I can recommend that for all but you Andy - you haven't had enough to get addicted yet)

Nothing deep to ad so will stop