22 November 2007

Mis-shapes V: Citizens on Patrol

(Police Academy 4)

For my final post in this series i wanted to talk about something which i found very positive, thus ending on a less whiney note. It's ever-so simple and requires little to be said about it. The thing is this: Be out there.

One of the things that came through, quite strongly for me, from all the staff at St.Thomas', was that they spend a specific amount of time each week just out, in public. They might be walking around a local estate or being in a coffee shop, praying, seeing who's about and chatting with people etc.

For me this tied in with conversations had with, and a post by, Kez. The idea of hope being where your ass is works, so put it in the streets, the pubs and the Costa-bucks coffee houses. It's the easiest thing for ministers to kill their week locked in church. There's something bold and gutsy about it, in terms of the arrangement of a weeks plan, the example set to the church and the demonstration of faith in one's faith.

Anyway, i think i've resolved to spending a couple of hours on a Thursday out and seeing what comes of it.

(Also, congrats to me for making the movie subtitle game work.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks Andy, I have enjoyed this little series. I know a couple of the Thomas Crookes ministers, having trained at the same time as them at NBC, and it is interesting to see how little bits of LKH-ness have influenced their thinking. As you note, they do stuff that is good and stuff that is not so good... bit like the rest of us really...

I guess if you put all the mis-shapes together you get a beautiful mosaic rather than the order and predictability of mathematically perfect tesselation (sorry been eating dictionaries again!)

andy amoss said...

Bit like life really.