8 July 2008

Excuse me, i have a vagina.

Forgive me, i'm a little peed off right now, i'm peed off by what i've seen in the news this past couple of days (no shock there then). This is specifically in relation to the goings on in the Church of England and its question of the appointment of female bishops.

'We can't have women as bishops because Jesus was a man and he picked 12 men to be his disciples, therefore... yadda, yadda, yadda, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, where's my vision, where's my brain, just what kind of a God do i think we've got?'!!!!!!!!
Don't people see that this argument is akin to saying "we can't have women bishops because, in chess, the bishops are men, it just wouldn't be right. Sorry, my hands are tied" aaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *sticks tongue in bottom lip*

The other reasoning for not going ahead with it is about having men coming under the authority of women. Two things - make that three things:
1. You are thick!
2. Don't men already come under the authority of women if they are male and in the parish of a female priest?
3. Isn't the head of the Church of England the Queen? What then of the fact that the whole of the Church of England currently does come under the authority of a woman?

Oh yeah, one more thing, just a cheeky 'heads up': This may not quite be the end of the debate, whichever way things go; women archbishops, anyone?

Why can't the Church quite grasp that what's reported of these discussions is, like it or not, a missional and ambassadorial activity. What is this message of Christ and his Church being sent out?

Nb. If you disagree with me, please don't be offended by my manner. Instead i invite you to characature me and my position, we're robust enough.


Anonymous said...

I recall having a sensible discussion on this with a couple of male Anglican priests (it is possible!) who said that irrespective of views on the ordination of women (they were both in favour) there was no theological justification for saying 'no' to women bishops if you have women priests. Either women can be ordained as priests or not. 'Period.' As the Always adverts say. Or not as the 'no women priests' lobby say.

This story will dismay you, but it's true: I met a young male priestlet (what do you call them when they're being trained?)who wouldn't take communion from a woman because she *might* be menstruating at the time which would make her 'unclean.'

But to cheer you, I was told by someone reliable of a conversation involving a female Methodist local preacher in a similar conversation. Apparently, she was told, the presence of semen in the lower abdomen is the defining quality of suitability to preside at the Eucharist. Being married, she anticipated some pleasant Sunday morning activity before church....

(And you thought I was a nice, innocent little girl didn't you. I am, I am!)

andy amoss said...

Um, thanks...Catriona.

Oh, and 'priestlet'; if that isn't the current correct term, it should be, it will certainly remain in my vocabulary.

Glen Marshall said...

Can't have women bishops cos the disciples were men, so ...

all bishops must be Jewish
all bishops must be born east of Cyprus
all bishops must be circumcised
all bishops must live in houses made out of old shoe boxes with little concertina cardboard stairs up the outside.

Anonymous said...

"all bishops must live in houses made out of old shoe boxes with little concertina cardboard stairs up the outside"

Love it! That explains the state of repair of so many vicarages and manses.